Commentary: Religion and the Presidential Vote: Bush's Gains Broad-Based

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Commentary: Religion and the Presidential Vote: Bush's Gains Broad-Based

President Bush's successful reelection effort owed much to the support he received from highly religious voters, especially white evangelical Protestants. But what has been largely overlooked is Bush's success with less religious voters. In fact, compared with four years ago, Bush made relatively bigger gains among infrequent churchgoers than he did among religiously observant voters.

Voters who say they attend church at least once a week backed Bush at the same high rates as in 2000. But he made inroads among those who seldom if ever attend religious services, although John Kerry maintained a sizable advantage among these voters.

Read Religion and the Presidential Vote: Bush's Gains Broad-Based on Web site of The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.

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