How Communities are Becoming Flood-Ready

Infrastructure week

How Communities are Becoming Flood-Ready

The week of May 14-21 marks the sixth annual National Infrastructure Week, a time to spotlight the importance of making our nation’s infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals, flood-ready. We share the stories of mayors across the country who have put mitigation measures in place to ensure that their communities are able to better withstand the next flood. This four-part series shares their experiences and efforts to protect citizens and minimize risk.

Part 1: After 1,000-Year Flood, Baton Rouge Moved Fast to Lower Risk

Part 2: In Flood-Weary Kansas City, Modifications Save Buildings and Dollars

Part 3: As Seas and Flood Threat Rise, a North Carolina City Prepares

Part 4: How a New Flood Strategy Helped a Colorado City Skirt Disaster