Recent Data Include Profiles of Polling Sites

The most recent Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS), which was published by the Election Assistance Commission last month, includes updated information about the number and composition of polling places that were in operation throughout the United States during the 2014 general election .

According to the report, states had over 178,000 precincts and more than 114,000 physical polling sites in the 2014 election, employing close to 731,000 poll workers on Election Day, of whom, roughly 84 percent were over age 41 and less than 10 percent were under age 26. Roughly 20 percent of jurisdictions categorized poll worker recruitment as somewhat or highly difficult in 2014; however, as alternatives to Election Day voting become more prevalent, it is likely that fewer poll workers will be needed over time. Out of 81 million voters, 17.5 percent submitted absentee ballots, and 10.7 percent cast ballots in person at early voting locations, according to the published data.

Pew’s forthcoming Elections Performance Index will examine the comprehensive state and local data from this EAVS report.

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