More Than 30,000 People Call on the Federal Government to Protect the Coral Sea

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More Than 30,000 People Call on the Federal Government to Protect the Coral Sea

From Broome to Cairns and Perth to Brisbane and beyond, more than 30,000 Australians support the establishment of a very large, world-class, fully protected marine park in the Coral Sea, which would provide a safe haven for marine wildlife and recognise the area's historic significance.

The 30,000 Australian supporters include more than 2,500 recreational fishers who have also added their support to this good cause.

"I've recreationally fished along the Queensland coast for 30 years. Even in that brief time I've noticed a huge decline in the fish stocks.  Let's be honest - those who enjoy fishing want to preserve our assets and fish stocks. That's the reason I support the creation of a very large fully protected marine national park in the Coral Sea", said recreational fisherman Sean Marler.

People from all walks of life – school children, mums and dads, teachers, retirees – believe in creating a lasting legacy in the Coral Sea for future generations to enjoy.

“We know so much about environmental issues nowadays and I'd like to think my generation is working towards leaving a legacy of healthy oceans so my grandchildren's children can enjoy the lifestyle we all take for granted”, said Lisa Newey, mum to two kids under 9 years old.

“My Gen Y friends are very worried that our politicians are not taking environmental issues seriously. We will inherit their mistakes so please don't make any”, said Tanya Behr, avid scuba diver.

“Just like a national park on land protects everything (the plants, the animals, the whole ecosystem), a fully protected park in the Coral Sea would ensure the survival of all the species and ecosystems in this magnificent area”, said Nicola Salkeld, Year 3 teacher.

"Ninety percent of large fish lost from our oceans in the past fifty years is a frightening figure. We need a place such as the Coral Sea, where these large fish can have a safe home", said Terry Spackman, retiree and occasional recreational fisher.

Each of the 30,000 plus supporters has emailed a letter to their federal Member of Parliament calling on him or her to protect the Coral Sea. The Coral Sea offers the federal government an unparalleled opportunity to protect one of the world's last intact tropical ocean ecosystems, an area of great historic significance and an important part of Australia that lies below the surface.