Trust Magazine

Staff Raise Their Hands to Volunteer

The big picture

In this Issue:

  • Summer 2023
  • A Global Agreement to Save The High Seas
  • A Marquee Talent
  • For Nearly Two Decades, Just the Facts
  • Noteworthy
  • Mind the Gender Pay Gap
  • How Americans View Their Jobs
  • Humility Paves the Way for Flood Resilience Policies
  • Meeting the Opioid Crisis–Now What?
  • Questions That Help Save Lives
  • Return on Investment
  • Staff Raise Their Hands to Volunteer
  • The Asian American Experience
  • To Strengthen Democracy and Create a Better World
  • What Inspires You?
  • View All Other Issues
Staff Raise Their Hands to Volunteer
The Pew Charitable Trusts

Staff from Pew’s Washington office raised their hands to volunteer, and on a sunny day in April, they helped park rangers clean up the National Mall. The same week, employees in Philadelphia cleaned FDR Park, London staff worked at Spitalfields City Farm, and those in Portland, Oregon, donated their time at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. In all, more than 250 employees—fanned out among these and other locations—spent time picking up trash, painting, mulching, gardening, and more, working toward the goal of contributing 7,500 volunteer hours to communities this year—one of the ways we are commemorating Pew’s 75th anniversary.

Pew's 75th Anniversary Graphic

Celebrating 75 Years

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Pew has addressed the challenges of a changing world for 75 years—by illuminating issues, creating common ground, and advancing ambitious projects that lead to tangible progress.


Pew at 75: Strengthening Democracy

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The Pew Charitable Trusts has spent much of its 75-year history seeking to bolster democracy and ensure that the public’s voice is heard. So, as it celebrates this anniversary year, the organization gathered keen observers of democracy—including filmmaker Ken Burns and Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden—for panel discussions at its Washington, D.C., offices on April 24.

Noteworthy To Strengthen Democracy and Create a Better World