2013 National HIA Meeting Agenda

National HIA Meeting Kickoff & Policy Maker Special Session

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Brief welcome from each of the meeting sponsors

Day 1

Keynote Address

Joe Cimperman, Member, Cleveland City Council

Day 1

Plenary Panel: The State of the Practice

Moderator: Lynn Todman

Speakers: Jim Marks, Aaron Wernham, Ben Cave, Arthur Wendel

Day 1

Concurrent Breakout Sessions I

Policy Maker Track: HIA for Policy Making: Local, State, and Federal Examples

HIA 101 Track: Introduction to HIA with Case Studies

Day 1

General Sessions

Building Capacity to Support HIA at the State and Regional Levels

How Partnerships Help You "Get It Done"

HIA for Land Use Decisions

New Tools of Interest for HIA

Attorney's Perspectives on HIA

Access to Home Energy and Home Equity: Tapping HIA's Potential to Articulate Consumer Voices in the Regulation of Residential Utility Service

Day 1

Lunch & Plenary Panel: Policymaker Perspectives on the Field

Moderator: Keshia Pollack

Panelists: Janet Miller, Stacie McIntosh, Denise Provost

Day 1

Concurrent Breakout Sessions II

Policy Maker Track: HIA and State-Level Policy Making

HIA 101 Track: Screening: How to Choose and Appropriate Topic for your HIA

Day 1

General Sessions

Institutionalizing HIA in Challenging Political Contexts

HIA and Environmental Regulation

Integrating Mental Health Considerations into Health Impact Assessments

Teaching HIA in University Settings

HIA and Housing

Analytic Tools and Data Sources for Assessment

Day 1

Concurrent Breakout Sessions III

Policy Maker Track: HIAs at the Federal Level: Experiences with the National Prevention Council

HIA 101 Track: Scoping 101: Defining, Refining, and Designing Your HIA

Day 1

Concurrent Working Groups

Making The Best of Square Pegs: Using HIA Principles When HIA Doesn't Fit

Navigating Changing Decision Contexts to Maximize the Potential Impact of Your HIA

Exploring the Role of Community Organizing in HIAS and Health in All Policies

Developing Community HIA Capacity and Support Within Each Step of the HIA Process

Making Concrete Predictions in Smoke and Mirrors

Developing Actionable Recommendations

Day 1

Poster Session

Day 1

Breakfast Roundtable Discussions

Show, Don't Tell: The Role of Visuals in HIAs

Euclid Avenue, Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative HIA

The Importance of Storytelling in the HIA Process: Engaging Communities and Capturing Local Indigenous Knowledge

Brining HIA to Child Care Environments

Quality Assurance in HIA: Standards for HIA Review, and Labeling HIAs to Let HIA "Consumers" Know What They're Getting

Challenges and Successes in HIA Training, Mentoring, and Technical Assistance

How to Guide State Policy Makers on HIAs

Changing the Face of Community Research

Engaging Federal Agencies in the HIA Process

Building HIA Capacity in the Southeast

HIA and Transportation

HIA and Housing

"What I Know Now, But Wish I Knew Then:" Opportunity for New Practitioners to Discuss Their Experiences Getting Started in HIA

Building HIA Capacity in the Northeast

Building HIA Capacity in the Midwest

Expanding HIA Practice in the Northwest

Building HIA Capacity in the Southwest

HIA and Education

Day 2

Plenary Panel: Evaluation of Health Impact Assessments: Early Results from Four HIA Evaluation Studies

Moderator: Andrew Dannenberg

Panelists: Andrew Dannenberg, Diana Charbonneau, Keshia Pollack, Arthur Wendel

Day 2

Concurrent Breakout Sessions IV

HIA 101 Track: Assessment 101: Strategies and Resources for Approaching HIA's Most Well-Known Step

Day 2

General Sessions

Health in All Policies and HIA

The Benefits of HIAs Done in Partnership with Community Organizers

HIA in Environmental Policy

HIA and Food Policy

HIA in Rural and Data-Limited Settings

Waterways and Human Health

Federal HIAs

Day 2

Plenary Panel: Equity and HIA

Moderator: Jonathan Heller

Panelists: Ben Cave, Kitty Richards, Tatiana Lin, Lynn Todman

Day 2

Concurrent Breakout Sessions V

HIA 101 Track: Evaluation of Individual HIAs

Day 2

General Sessions

Fiscal Policy and HIA

Training HIA Practitioners

Climate Change, Green Infrastructure, and HIA

Leveraging Academic Institutions in HIA Work

A New Model of Stakeholder Participation for Rapid HIAs

Achieving Health and Equity Through Education HIAs

HIA and Transportation

Day 2

Concluding Plenary Remarks

Day 2