Sharks at Risk: Building an EU Conservation Plan

Vigo market in Spain, September 2006 © Oceana

Luso-American Foundation
Rua do Sacramento à Lapa 21, 1249-090 Lisboa.
Tel: (+351) 21 393 5800

Sharks, skates and rays are among the most vulnerable and under-protected species in European waters. The IUCN estimates a full third are threatened with extinction due to overfishing. Still, interest in fishing for these species is increasing in the face of inadequate or non-existent limits. Action is urgently needed to safeguard and restore these key components of our ocean ecosystems.

Portugal has assumed the European Union Presidency at a critical time for sharks. The European Commission is formulating its long-awaited Community Plan of Action for Sharks and has pledged completion by 2008.

With its rich maritime history and interest in sustainable fisheries, Portugal is well poised to bring the EU into a new era of responsible shark fishing, recovery of depleted species, and international leadership in global shark conservation. 


14.30 Welcome Address
Charles A. Buchanan, Administrator of the Luso-American Foundation.

14.40 Keynote Address
Dr. Humberto Rosa, Secretary of State of the Environment (Video Address)

15.00 Short Film Presentation

15.10 The Shark Alliance’s Political Agenda
Uta Bellion, Campaign Director for the Shark Alliance

15.20 Shark and Rays Commercial Fisheries in Portugal
João Correia, European Elasmobranch Association Representative

15.40 Policy Issues and Outline of the EU Shark Management Plan
Sonja Fordham, Policy Director for the Shark Alliance

16.00 Coffee Break

16.20 Shark Conservation: A Portuguese NGO Perspective
Presentation by GEOTA, LPN and QUERCUS.

16.45 - 18.00 Wrap up, Question and Answers
Rémi Parmentier, The Varda Group