National HIA Meeting 2012: Research & Evaluation About the Field of HIA


National HIA Meeting 2012: Research & Evaluation About the Field of HIA

This session will highlight current research on the field of HIA, including: a multiyear, large-scale evaluation of the impacts of HIA; a nationwide look at laws and regulations that require or facilitate the use of HIAs; and a systematic review and comparison of HIA guidelines.

Moderator: Kara Vonasek, Health Impact Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Diana Charbonneau, Group Health Research Institute

Impact & Success of HIAs: Design and Conduct of a Large-scale U.S. Evaluation

Katherine Hebert, Town of Davidson, NC

A Comparison of 45 Local, National & International HIA Guidelines

James Hodge, Arizona State University College of Law

Legal Review Concerning the Use of HIA in Select Jurisdictions