Meet Pew Experts to Discuss the Latest Research on State Policy Issues

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Meet Pew Experts to Discuss the Latest Research on State Policy Issues

Pew experts can help you start the new state legislative session with the most recent research and recommendations on a range of issues. Our experts are available for virtual meetings throughout January to discuss the latest evidence on state budgets, health, justice systems, conservation, and other subjects.


To arrange a one-on-one virtual meeting with a Pew expert, please fill out this meeting request form or email [email protected]

State fiscal and economic policies

Susan Banta: Fiscal impacts of the rapid COVID-19 recession and recovery on public pension funding, benefit design, and investments

Madalyn Bryant: Government spending on natural disasters 

David Draine: Fiscal impacts of the rapid COVID-19 recession and recovery on public pension funding, benefit design, and investments

Sara Dube: Evidence-based budgeting, evidence-based policymaking

Josh Goodman: State fiscal and economic development policy

Adrienne Lu: Local budgets

Mary Murphy: State fiscal and economic policies 

Angela Oh: Long-term budgeting, budget stress testing

Justin Theal: State fiscal and economic trends

Rebecca Thiess: Federal funds to states

Alison Wakefield: Economic development, tax incentive programs

Robert Zahradnik: State fiscal and economic policies 

Alexandria Zhang: Local budgets


Kristen Mizzi Angelone: Suicide prevention

Alexandra Duncan: Substance use prevention and treatment

Ruth Lindberg: Health policy, health impact assessments, legislative health notes, social determinants of health, health equity

Safety and justice

Lorenzo Frausto: Mental health and justice

Erika Rickard: State and local courts, eviction, consumer debt lawsuits

Tiffany Russell: Mental health and justice

Terry Schuster: Criminal justice policies and systems

Julie Wertheimer: Criminal justice policies and systems


Kathryn de Wit: Broadband policy

Anna Read: Broadband policy

Jake Varn: Broadband policy

Conservation and environment

Marcia Argust: Conserving large landscapes, national parks

Joseph Gordon: Protecting coastal habitats and fisheries

Jos Hill: Protecting coastal habitats for climate resilience, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity

Suzanne Little: Alaska’s conservation issues, protecting public lands

Yaron Miller: Flood mitigation and recovery policy

Ken Rait: Alaska’s conservation issues, protecting public lands

John Seebach: Protecting public lands

Matt Skroch: Protecting migration corridors and wildlife habitats

Brett Swift: U.S. rivers

Sylvia Troost: U.S. work on coastal blue carbon

Tom Wheatley: Fisheries management and coastal habitat protection

Consumer and family finances

Gabe Kravitz: Small-dollar loans, home financing, borrower safety

Tara Roche: Small-dollar loans, home financing, borrower safety

John Scott: Retirement savings

Date: January 1 - January 31, 2022
Location: Virtual Meeting
State fiscal policy toolkit
State fiscal policy toolkit

State Fiscal Policy Toolkit

Quick View

The Pew Charitable Trusts researches the fiscal challenges faced by states and examines the policy options available to address them. The resources listed below, which include comprehensive 50-state assessments, illuminate common concerns and creative solutions to help policymakers understand the issues and learn from one another’s experiences.

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