Erika Rickard


Erika Rickard
Erika Ricard
Erika Rickard
Courts & Communities
The Pew Charitable Trusts


Erika Rickard oversees researchers, policy experts, and organizational partnerships that support Pew’s work on safety and justice, including efforts to unpack, understand, and explain the role of court administration in key policy areas that affect people’s lives. 

Before joining Pew, Rickard directed field research at Harvard Law School’s Access to Justice Lab, which conducts rigorous studies on access to justice and court administration. Rickard also served as a commissioner on the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission, and was the first Access to Justice coordinator for Massachusetts, where she developed and implemented new policies and programs in the areas of language access, technology, and resources for people without counsel.

Rickard holds a bachelor’s degree in public policy from Mills College and a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School.


The Pandemic's Impact on America’s Civil Courts
The Pandemic's Impact on America’s Civil Courts

The Pandemic's Impact on America's Civil Courts

Quick View

Debt collection cases are the most common civil court cases today, but many Americans are navigating the civil legal system without legal representation and paying heavy consequences. In this episode we hear from Erika Rickard, who leads Pew’s work to modernize civil court systems.