Fishery Body Should Modernize Management of Menhaden, Groups Say

Pew among 80-plus signatories seeking policy that reflects forage fish’s critical role as prey

Fishery Body Should Modernize Management of Menhaden

The Pew Charitable Trusts is among more than 80 national, regional, state, and local groups and businesses urging the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to take the final step in modernizing management of a critical East Coast forage fish—the Atlantic menhaden.

In a July 16 letter, the signatories asked the commission to recognize the critical role menhaden play in the wider marine ecosystem—including as a vital food source for myriad other wildlife such as fish, seabirds, and marine mammals—and to manage the species based on that. To help accomplish that, the letter stresses the importance of using ecological reference points, which account for predator needs. For decades, the commission has managed commercial fishing of menhaden without considering its broader roles.

The commission is expected to vote on a transition to this modern way of managing menhaden when it meets in early August.


New Way of Managing Menhaden Could Help Species Rebound

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In early February, the regulatory body that sets catch limits for menhaden—the country’s second-most-caught fish—will consider adopting a new way to manage the species, which is valued prey to wildlife. This is the first of three articles explaining why menhaden, and this potentially revolutionary decision, matter.

Atlantic Menhaden
Atlantic Menhaden

Atlantic Managers Must Act to Conserve Menhaden

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Atlantic menhaden play an essential role in marine ecosystems and businesses along the U.S. East Coast. Now, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, which sets fishing rules for menhaden along the Eastern Seaboard, is considering how to protect and increase their economic and ecological value.


East Coast Forage Fishery Still Waiting for Advanced Management

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As we wrote recently, the interstate commission that manages the forage fish menhaden along the East Coast has for years acknowledged that this species’ critical role in the marine food web makes it worth far more than its commercial value.


Managers Could Secure Sustainable Future for Menhaden

Quick View

In early February, the regulatory body that sets catch limits for menhaden—the country’s second-most-caught fish—will consider adopting a new way to manage the species, which is valued prey to wildlife. This is the second of three articles explaining why menhaden, and this potentially revolutionary decision, matter.