Funding From Federal Grants Varies as a Share of State Budgets

Funding From Federal Grants Varies as a Share of State Budgets

States receive federal grants to help fund programs in areas ranging from education to transportation to health care. Federal grants accounted for an average of 31 percent of total state revenue in 2014, but states’ reliance on this revenue source varies widely. At nearly 41 percent, Mississippi had the largest share of revenue from federal grants, while North Dakota had the smallest at 17 percent.

Federal Grants graphic
Federal Grants graphic
Where States Get Their Money
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Percentage of Revenue, FY 2015

Taxes and federal funds are among the revenue sources for individual states.

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Percentage of Revenue, FY 2015

Taxes and federal funds together account for more than three-quarters of the 50 states’ revenue dollars. In all but two states taxes are the largest revenue source, while federal funds are the second largest. Following is a breakdown of each state’s major categories of revenue, with percentages shown for taxes and federal funds.

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