Tools to Help Governors, Legislatures Continue to Generate—and Implement—Policy Ideas and Innovations

Tools to Help Governors, Legislatures Continue to Generate—and Implement—Policy Ideas and Innovations

The National Governors Association is holding its winter meeting this week in Washington, D.C.  The meeting follows significant changes in the nation’s capital: President Donald Trump took the oath of office in January, and the new 115th Congress is in session. But governors, working with their legislatures and across party lines, will continue to generate—and implement—many of the policy ideas and innovations that directly affect the health, safety, and financial security of Americans. And as the governors meet to talk about their priorities for the year ahead, they will also have the opportunity to share best practices and lessons learned from recent successes.

Below are several key resources from Pew that governors, legislators, and state officials can use to make decisions that will save taxpayer dollars while improving the quality of government services.

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Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis

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Fiscal 50 is an interactive platform that provides clear, data-driven portraits of state fiscal conditions. Users can view, sort, and analyze data on key trends that shape states’ fiscal health now and over the long term. Fiscal 50 also features research and analysis to help users understand how these trends interact and fit together—and how they relate to real-time developments playing out in state capitols across the country.

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