Mind the Queue

One of the major themes to emerge from the 2012 election was long lines at polling places around the country and particularly in Florida, which had the longest average wait time at 45 minutes. Early reports indicate that this is not the case in the lower-turnout midterm election of 2014.

Florida voters, in spite of a tight and contentious governor’s race, have not experienced long waits to vote today.

Maryland, which also had longer-than-average wait times in 2012, reported quiet polling places this morning.

But voters are waiting in long lines in some jurisdictions. Reports from metro Atlanta have described waits as long as 40 minutes at some polling places, and some voters left the polls without casting ballots after seeing the lines.

Researchers across the country are observing the lines at polling places today to make recommendations for preventing lines during the 2016 presidential election, when turnout is typically higher and lines are longer.

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