Policy Statement: Recommendations to the 85th Meeting of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

Policy Statement: Recommendations to the 85th Meeting of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

The Pew Charitable Trusts calls on the Members and Cooperating Non-Members (collectively referred to as "IATTC members") at the 85th Meeting of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, or IATTC, to take the following critical actions:

  1. Implement best practices for tuna management.
    1.1 Establish science-based catch limits and stronger monitoring and enforcement measures for Pacific bluefin tuna.
    1.2 Improve data collection and management of fish aggregating devices, or FADs.
    1.3 Adopt target and limit reference points for skipjack, yellowfin, and bigeye tuna.
    1.4 Increase observer coverage on longline vessels.

  2. Adopt conservation and management measures to protect sharks.
    2.1 Prohibit the retention of biologically vulnerable shark species, particularly silky and hammerhead sharks.
    2.2 Limit the mortality of other shark species, including blue and shortfin mako sharks, to sustainable levels.
    2.3 Establish best practices for reducing shark finning and bycatch.

  3. Improve compliance with IATTC measures.
    3.1 Strengthen port State measures, or PSMs.
    3.2 Adopt International Maritime Organization, or IMO, numbers for fishing vessels.

Pacific bluefin tuna

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