Notable Counties—Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Return to Election Data Dispatches.

A vast amount of elections data can be found at the Cuyahoga County, Ohio Board of Elections website, through its detailed post-election certification and audit reports. This information includes:

  • Absentee ballot data, including the reasons any ballots were rejected;
  • Provisional ballot usage, including how many were issued, counted, rejected, and reasons for rejection;
  • The number of ballots that were remade due to being damaged or for other reasons; and
  • The number of precincts with differences between the number of ballots cast and the number of signatures in the poll books. 

In the March 2012 primary election, 97.6 percent of returned absentee ballots were counted, and of those that were rejected, just over half were not counted because they were returned too late. Look for further exploration of these data in future dispatches.