En este número:

  • Winter 2021
  • Science Matters
  • Crunch: Science Held in High Esteem
  • Foreword: Acknowledging Our Limits
  • Rebuild Trust in Science
  • Data & Better Decisions
  • Science in a Crisis
  • Efficiencies in Science
  • Science, Policy, and Practice
  • Science & Religion
  • Voices: Pandemic’s Impact on Science
  • Five Questions: Dr. Anthony Fauci
  • Scientists & Communications
  • View All Other Issues
Winter 2021: Science Matters

Featured Stories

Trend 2021 Winter
Trend Magazine

Why We Must Rebuild Trust in Science

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Trend Magazine

A scientific endeavor that is not trusted by the public cannot adequately contribute to society.

Trend Magazine

How Data Leads to Better Decisions

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Trend Magazine

Data and the scientific method aren’t just for the laboratory; they inform social science that leads to better public policy.

Trend Magazine

Delivering Science in a Crisis

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Trend Magazine

The scientific response from the Deepwater Horizon disaster can guide research during a pandemic.

Illustration of pills lined up for a race
Illustration of bottles of pills at an award podium
Trend Magazine

How to Make Science Work Quicker—and Better

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Trend Magazine

We are in a golden age of innovation in biomedical science, but there’s more that could be accomplished for patients.

Illustration of a microscope
Illustration of a microscope
Trend Magazine

From Science to Policy to Practice

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Trend Magazine

Science can and should influence policies that make our lives healthier—but it requires patience along the way.

Illustration of a candle
Illustration of a candle
Trend Magazine

On the Intersection of Science and Religion

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Trend Magazine

The relationship between science and religion is often viewed in a Western context and through a Christian perspective. We turned to Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists for a different view.

Also in this issue