Adherence to Bering Strait Vessel Routing Measures in 2019

International Maritime Organization’s recommended shipping measures support safety and conservation

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Adherence to Bering Strait Vessel Routing Measures in 2019

Nuka Research and Planning Group LLC has released a report analyzing ship tracks in the Bering Sea and Bering Strait from June through October 2019 to help determine whether vessels have been following routing recommendations issued that year by the International Maritime Organization. The routes and accompanying designated “areas to be avoided” are designed to reduce vessel collisions and groundings and protect sensitive habitat and subsistence use areas. The report, which was commissioned by The Pew Charitable Trusts, found that large cargo vessels mostly adhered to the routes, except when stopping along the coast. Vessels engaged in fishing or making stops, including tugs and cruise ships, were less likely to use the routes or stay out of areas to be avoided.

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