Gold Butte is One Step Closer to Protection

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Gold Butte is One Step Closer to Protection

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Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) have introduced legislation to permanently protect Nevada's Gold Butte. Nevada's piece of the Grand Canyon is a favorite among hikers, hunters, and off road vehicle enthusiasts because of its stunning vistas, red rock formations, and archaeological treasures. If passed, this legislation will ensure that Gold Butte can be enjoyed for years to come. 

Gold Butte is between the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument in Arizona and Lake Mead National Recreation Area, just south of Mesquite, Nevada. 

Senator Reid's Gold Butte National Conservation Area Act and Representative Horsford's Virgin Valley Tourism and Lake Mead Preservation Act will designate a 345,000-acre National Conservation Area, which includes nearly 130,000 acres of wilderness.

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