Utah Bill Would Boost Capacity, Reliability of State Electric Grid

Pew letter urges legislators to pass measure to upgrade transmission infrastructure

Utah Bill Would Boost Capacity, Reliability of State Electric Grid

On Feb. 27, The Pew Charitable Trusts sent a letter to members of the Utah Legislature expressing support for S.B. 191, which promotes the use of grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) to increase the capacity, efficiency, and reliability of Utah’s energy transmission system. Utah is one of the nation’s fastest-growing states, and by enabling and accelerating the deployment of GETs, state lawmakers can help ensure that the electric grid continues to meet the needs of businesses and residents.

GETs are deployable, cost-effective technologies that enhance existing transmission infrastructure to reduce grid congestion, improve reliability, reduce carbon pollution, and save ratepayers money.     

The bill would require large-scale electric utilities to analyze cost-effectiveness and provide a timetable for deployment of GETs when proposing additions or expansions to the existing transmission system. Then, if the Utah Public Service Commission determined that the proposed GETs are cost-effective, it would authorize the utilities to deploy those upgrades and recover costs.

By enabling accelerated adoption of GETs, Utah can join a handful of states leading the way in modernizing and improving the reliability of their electric grids.