Chair's Summary of the First Pew Whale Symposium

Chair's Summary of the First Pew Whale Symposium

More than 60 people from around the world gathered in New York at the United Nations to analyze options for the conservation of whales, specifically exploring policies for resolving the current impasse over commercial and scientific whaling at the International Whaling Commission.

The Symposium was divided into four sessions, covering: 1) the status of whale stocks; 2) developments in oceans law since 1946; 3) the history of whaling diplomacy; and 4) possible ways forward.

A report of the discussions has been prepared by International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Reporting Services (available in English and French) at:

This Summary therefore aims to capture the atmosphere of positive and creative thinking, and to focus on possible options for the future. A number of possible approaches were identified.

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