What Californians Think About Voting

New poll finds knowledge gaps, confusion, strong support for reforms

What Californians Think About Voting


In 2014, The Pew Charitable Trusts conducted polling to help election officials and policymakers better understand what voters know about registration requirements and opportunities in their states. Voters in California:

  • Strongly support reforms to provide voter registration online and make registration lists more accurate.
  • Have major gaps in their knowledge of voter registration opportunities and policy.
  • Do not know which office is responsible for managing and conducting elections.
  • Primarily use online search engines for information about elections.
A Majority of Ohio Voters Favor Online Voter Registration
57% of Ohioans Support Keeping Voter Records Up to Date by Letting States Compare Data


On behalf of The Pew Charitable Trusts, Public Opinion Strategies and the Mellman Group conducted a survey of 820 registered voters in California. Interviews were conducted Jan. 25-30, 2014. The margin of error on a sample size of N=820 is plus or minus 3.4 percent.

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