Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site


Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site
Location Seattle Washington
Organization University of Washington School of Public Health; Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group; Just Health Action

This health impact assessment (HIA) informed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) selection of a cleanup plan for the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund site in Seattle. The HIA was conducted by the University of Washington with two nonprofit organizations, Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group (DRCC/TAG) and Just Health Action. DRCC/TAG is EPA’s designated Community Advisory Group for the site.

Key health issues that the HIA addressed included consumption of contaminated seafood, and air and soil pollution, as well as concerns such as construction noise, traffic safety, and access to goods and services in the neighborhoods surrounding the site during and after the multiyear cleanup period. The affected populations include two predominantly low income and minority neighborhoods and two federally recognized Tribes that fish on the river.

Responsibility for implementing the cleanup plan lies largely with the Port of Seattle, City of Seattle, King County, and The Boeing Co. The three public parties expressed strong support for the assessment. HIA findings and recommendations aimed to influence EPA’s selection of a cleanup alternative, as well as the implementation of additional measures by Seattle, King County, the Port of Seattle, and The Boeing Co.

The Mayor and Seattle City Council wrote a letter making recommendations for the cleanup based on issues raised by the HIA.

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At A Glance
  • Status:
  • Publication date:
    2013, September
  • Decision-making levels:
  • Sectors:
    Natural resources management
  • Additional topic areas:
    Brownfields and Superfund sites, Ports and waterways
  • Drivers of health:
    Access to healthy food, Access to services/medical care, Clean air and water
  • Affected populations:
    Chronic health conditions, Economically disadvantaged, Racial and ethnic minorities
  • Community types:
    Rural, Tribal
  • Research methods:
    Literature review, Qualitative research, Primary research, Focus groups
  • Funding source:
    Health Impact Project grantee