Mystic Island Voluntary Buyout Scenarios
Rutgers University’s Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, in partnership with New Jersey Future and Little Egg Harbor Township, will complete an HIA to assess the potential health implications of a coordinated voluntary buyout strategy in the Mystic Island area, which was severely affected by Hurricane Sandy. Buyout programs use federal funds to help homeowners sell storm-damaged homes in flood-prone areas. The township’s Strategic Recovery Planning Report will contain, and a subcommittee will consider, a recommendation to explore coordinated buyout strategies for flood-prone Mystic Island. The HIA is expected to examine the potential health effects of continued exposure to flooding and changes in neighborhood cohesion as well as the health-related economic impact of various buyout strategies.
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Publication date:2016
Decision-making levels:Local
Sectors:Planning and zoning
Additional topic areas:Emergency preparedness/ response, Financing, Mental/behavioral health, Programs, Resilience and sustainability
Drivers of health:Clean air and water, Diet and physical activity, Disease vectors, Family and social support, Income and wealth, Safe and affordable parks and recreational facilities
Affected populations:Economically disadvantaged, Older adults, Individuals with disabilities
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Literature review, Primary research, Survey, Qualitative research
Funding source:Health Impact Project grantee