City of Independence Complete Streets
City of Independence Health Department
In June of 2011, the City of Independence passed a complete streets policy. The first part of implementing the complete streets policy included the addition of bike lanes. The HIA addressed the health impacts of placement of bike lanes and made recommendations on how to improve physical activity, healthy food access, and safety. The HIA found that implementation of bike lanes would likely have a positive impact on health overall. The HIA recommended implementation of speed reduction strategies, and education for cyclists and drivers to increase safety. The HIA also recommended that further planning take into account connectivity between the bike lanes and existing paths, trails, retail, and transit.
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- Contact Email:
- Kristin Atkinson [email protected]
HIA Report
HIA Report
Data Visualization
April 29, 2018
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At A Glance
Publication date:2012, January
Decision-making levels:Local
Sectors:Transportation, Planning and zoning
Additional topic areas:Active transportation, Bridges and roads, Planning
Drivers of health:Safe and accessible active transportation routes, Diet and physical activity, Safe street infrastructure, Access to healthy food
Affected populations:Chronic health conditions, Economically disadvantaged
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Quantitative research
Funding source:Health Impact Project grantee