State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit


State Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit
Location Orlando Florida
Organization MetroPlan Orlando, University of Central Florida, Winter Park Health Foundation

MetroPlan Orlando, in partnership with the University of Central Florida and the Winter Park Health Foundation, conducted the first transportation HIA in central Florida. The state Route 50 Bus Rapid Transit HIA analyzed the potential effects of implementing bus rapid transit along 22 miles of SR 50 on the physical, social, and emotional health of residents through improved access to goods, services, jobs, and education; mobility through nonvehicular travel; and economic development opportunities. The study area extended through the heart of Orange County and two major destination points: downtown Orlando and the University of Central Florida. The study area included the Pine Hills neighborhood, the historic downtown neighborhoods, Union Park, and Azalea Park. Approximately 48 percent of Orange County residents depend on mass transit.

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The Health Impact Project’s toolkit contains resources that help communities, agencies, and other organizations take action to improve public health. The toolkit offers a collection of health impact assessments, guides, and other research to support policymakers’ efforts to consider health when making decisions across sectors, such as housing, planning, and education.

At A Glance
  • Status:
  • Publication date:
    2016, January
  • Decision-making levels:
  • Sectors:
  • Additional topic areas:
    Economic development, Public transit
  • Drivers of health:
    Access to services/medical care, Education, Employment, Safe and affordable public transit
  • Affected populations:
    Chronic health conditions, Economically disadvantaged, Racial and ethnic minorities
  • Community types:
    Urban, Suburban
  • Research methods:
    Literature review, Quantitative research, Qualitative research
  • Funding source:
    Other funding