Medicaid Anti-Fraud and Abuse Practices Database

See what measures states are taking to reduce Medicaid fraud and abuse

Medicaid Anti-Fraud and Abuse Practices Database

An interactive from

See what measures states are taking to reduce Medicaid fraud and abuse

Billions of state and federal dollars are lost to Medicaid fraud and abuse each year. This first-of-its-kind database compiles and categorizes promising practices states are employing to combat this problem. Using information cited by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in its state reviews, the data presented are current as of June 2013. To learn more about the practices referenced in this tool, read Combating Medicaid Fraud and Abuse.

Using the database

Use the filters below to discover what actions states are taking to fight Medicaid fraud and abuse. Choose a state to view practice type information for that location or compare data across states by selecting “All States” and refining your search by practice type(s).

Note: CMS Noteworthy Picks are practices the agency identified in its state reviews as those other states should consider emulating.

Select a State

{{selectStateOpen ? '–' : '+'}}

Select a Practice Type

{{selectPracticeTypeOpen ? '–' : '+'}}


{{checkOrUncheck}} Go


{{resultsOpen ? '–' : '+'}}
State Year Practice Type Title Description
{{row.state}} {{row.year}} {{row.practiceType}}

Please select a location and check one or more boxes above, then click the Go button to view results.

Please select a location and check one or more boxes above, then click the Go button to retrieve results.

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Billions of state and federal dollars are lost to Medicaid fraud and abuse each year. This first-of-its-kind database compiles and categorizes promising practices states are employing to combat this problem. Using information cited by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in its state reviews, the data presented are current as of June 2013. To learn more about the practices referenced in this tool, read Combating Medicaid Fraud and Abuse.

The State Health Care Spending Project, a collaboration between The Pew Charitable Trusts and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, is examining seven major areas of state health care spending—Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, prison health care, active state government employee health insurance, and retired state government employee health insurance. The project will provide a comprehensive examination of each of these health programs that states fund. The programs vary by state in many ways, so the research will highlight those variations and some of the principal factors driving them. The project is concurrently releasing state-by-state data on 20 key health indicators to complement the programmatic spending analysis.