Mental Health in America: Building Healthy Communities

Episode 122

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Mental Health in America: Building Healthy Communities

Stat: $280 billion: The amount Americans spent on mental health services in 2020. Nearly a quarter of the funding came from the U.S. Medicaid program. 

Story: Access to mental health care is a rising concern in communities throughout the country—especially for groups already experiencing challenges connecting with primary care providers. In this episode, Mimi Narayan from Pew’s Health Impact Project outlines the factors that contribute to health disparities and how to make care more equitable. We also hear how immigrant and Indigenous community leaders—Orfelina Feliz Payne from Puentes de Salud and Tahlia Natachu from the Zuni Youth Enrichment Project—are addressing the growing demand for behavioral health services and educating their communities about healthy lifestyles.

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