# results title text: You got {score} out of {total_questions}.
# results text:
Thank you for testing your knowledge of marine protection and biodiversity. Learn more about the new ocean partnership here
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# social text incomplete: How Much Do You Know About Our Ocean? Test yourself and share your results.
# social text complete: How Much Do You Know About Our Ocean? I took the quiz and got a {score} out of {total_questions} correct! Test yourself and share your results.
? How much of the Earth’s surface does the ocean cover?
- 15%
- 53%
+ 71%
- 90%
! According to the
Oceanic Institute, the ocean covers 71% of the Earth’s surface and represents 99% of the world’s total living space by volume.
? To date, roughly how much of the world’s ocean is safeguarded in MPAs?
+ 7.8%
- 2.5%
- 43%
- 72%
! According to the
Atlas of Marine Protection, in April 2021, 7.8% of the ocean is protected in implemented and committed in MPAs. However less than 3%, is fully protected in no-take marine reserves.
? What is the main driver of the biodiversity decline in the ocean?
- Invasive species
- Pollution
- Climate change
+ Overfishing
! A 2019
report states that although pollution, climate change, and invasive species have some impact on biodiversity loss, overfishing has had the greatest impact on our ocean. But we can work to build back marine ecosystems and biodiversity by investing in and securing meaningful protection for more of the ocean.
? Which of the following should be considered when designing an effective MPA?
- Level of protection
- Size of the area
- Location
+ All of the above
! To secure the maximum level of benefits to both nature and people, MPAs should be designed with specific outcomes in mind, including those for both conservation and human well-being. Important consideration should be given to the level of protection, size, and location of an area. It is also important to ensure effective implementation of protected areas by securing adequate budgets, staff capacity, enforcement, and long-term protections.
? Approximately how much is the ocean economy valued at each year, in U.S. dollars?
- $100 billion to $150 billion
+ $3 trillion to $6 trillion
- $750 billion to $900 billion
- Over $10 trillion
! The United Nations
estimates that the ocean economy, including industries directly engaged in seafood, shipping, and other maritime sectors, along with ecosystem and cultural services, is worth $3 trillion to $6 trillion annually.
? On average, what is the percent salinity of the global ocean?
- 1%
+ 3.5%
- 5.1%
- 4%
! Although the salinity of the ocean varies slightly from one major area to another, the vast majority of the ocean’s water has a salinity of
3.5%, or 35 parts per thousand.