Protection of Chilean Patagonia Grew in 2018 but Work Remains

Photos highlight the need to safeguard more of region’s land and ocean

Chilean Patagonia, a region of stunning scenery, rich biodiversity, and sparse permanent settlements, has long been in need of long-term conservation. In 2018, the country’s government took great steps toward achieving that in parts of the region.

During 2018, the government published three important decrees, creating two new marine protected areas and one national park. Chile now has 21 percent of its land and 42 percent of its seas under some degree of protection.

Although more remains to be done to sufficiently safeguard the natural treasures of Chilean Patagonia, the new year begins with much to celebrate. The images below showcase the region’s delicate ecosystem and help highlight the importance of protecting it. 

Francisco Solis Germani directs The Pew Charitable Trusts’ work in Chile’s Patagonia region.