Federal Criminal Justice Work

Between 1980 and 2013, the federal imprisonment rate increased 518 percent, from 11 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents to 68. Costs followed a similar trend, rising 605 percent, from $900 million to $6.4 billion, in the same period.

To help the federal government adopt high return-on-investment public safety strategies in sentencing and corrections, the project is providing data analysis, research, policy options, and lessons from the states.

During my tenure as Speaker of the House in North Carolina, I worked across party lines to help enact the most significant sentencing and corrections reform effort undertaken in decades. North Carolina is seeing the results as we are responsibly lessening our investment in corrections and reinvesting those savings in community programs that reduce crime and build safer communities.U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R)

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