Pew Supports Food Industry Letter to Congress

Twenty-one food companies, retailers, and trade associations sent a letter April 16 to House and Senate appropriators urging that they fully fund the implementation of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.

Pew supports the industry leaders’ call for $109.5 million from Congress to ensure “a strong FDA as a partner” and to bolster consumer trust. The goals of Pew’s food safety project align closely with the group’s priorities, which include modernizing current oversight practices to keep our food safe.

Appropriating $109.5 million for the FSMA is critical to preventing episodes such as the recent Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to ice cream.

Companies that signed the letter include the Coca-Cola Co., General Mills Inc., Nestle USA, and PepsiCo Inc., along with Wal-Mart, Costco, and the Produce Marketing Association.

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