Ocean Governance

Manta Ray© Todd Aki/Getty Images

The conservation and management of marine species that are migratory, are found in areas beyond national jurisdiction or are traded internationally is the responsibility of a number of multilateral fora and legal instruments. These include the United Nations and its various organizations and processes, regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements, CITES, and others. Learn more about these organizations below.

Time to Protect Bluefin Tuna and  Porbeagle Sharks From Illegal Trade
Time to Protect Bluefin Tuna and  Porbeagle Sharks From Illegal Trade

International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

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ICCAT is a regional fisheries management organization with 49 member countries and four additional cooperating parties.


Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission

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The WCPFC has 42 member states, participating territories, and cooperating nonmember countries.

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