Super Chefs Against Superbugs

Super Chefs Against Superbugs is a movement of chefs from across the country who want to stop the overuse of antibiotics on industrial farms.

Recognizing the connection between this practice and the growing crisis of antibiotic resistance in people, these chefs are committed to speaking out for a more sustainable food system that uses antibiotics responsibly.

Started in 2012 when Pew partnered with the James Beard Foundation for the first Chefs Boot Camp for Policy & Change, SuperChefs Against Superbugs has grown to an active group of nearly 1,000 chefs advocating for policies to protect the public from antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Advocacy in Action

Many of our SuperChefs have called on President Barack Obama, Congress, and other leaders to support the judicious use of antibiotics in food animal production, offering a compelling perspective as to why it is so critical that we tackle this issue.

  • White House letter, September 2013—530 chefs signed a letter to chef Sam Kass, executive director of Let’s Move! and senior policy adviser for nutrition at the White House, urging the Obama administration to finalize policies to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics and to protect people from resistant superbugs.

  • Rustic Road Farm-to-Table Salon, July 2013—Pew hosted a farm-to-table salon dinner to celebrate sustainable agriculture in the Midwest and to discuss the public health impact of the overuse of antibiotics in industrial animal agriculture. The meal featured pork and beef from Niman Ranch that was prepared by some of Chicago’s most celebrated chefs, including Marc Bernard, Patricia Yeo, Laura Piper, and Paul Fehribach.

  • SuperChefs Against Superbugs Lobby Day, April 2013—Chefs Jeremy Barlow, Tom Colicchio, Rock Harper, Maria Hines, Joe Simone, Sam Talbot, and Mark Williams spent an afternoon on Capitol Hill asking Congress to shine a light on antibiotic overuse and to end this practice that threatens our health.

  • Food and Drug Administration letter, July 2012—More than 300 chefs signed a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urging the agency to work with the agriculture and drug industries to better understand how antibiotics are used on farms and to curb their overuse.

  • Video: Chefs call for judicious antibiotic use for livestock, July 2012—Celebrity chefs and restaurateurs Suzanne Goin and Mary Sue Milliken, who serve only meat raised without antibiotics in their establishments, came to Washington to call on Congress and the Obama administration to end the overuse of antibiotics in food animal production.

SuperChef Recipes

You can encourage industrial farms to stop overusing and misusing antibiotics by cooking with meat and poultry raised on farms where antibiotics are used only to treat sick animals. Below are recipes provided by award-winning chefs for inspiration.

RecipeBraised Beef Short Ribs With Potato Puree, Swiss Chard, and Horseradish Cream

SuperChef: One of Los Angeles’ most popular chefs, Suzanne Goin cooks with a palette of colors and flavors in all four of her restaurants: Lucques, A.O.C., Tavern, and Larder at Maple Drive.

RecipeBrined Fried Chicken

SuperChef: Rahman “Rock” Harper is director of kitchen operations at DC Central Kitchen, a nonprofit organization that helps alleviate poverty, hunger, and homelessness. He won the third season of the television show “Hell’s Kitchen.”
RecipeMom’s Broiled Chicken With Potatoes and Onions

SuperChef: “Top Chef” alum Mike Isabella is chef and owner of three celebrated Washington-based restaurants. He was named the people’s best new chef, mid-Atlantic, by Food & Wine magazine in 2012.

RecipeTurkey Tamales With Fresh Cranberry Salsa

SuperChef: Mary Sue Milliken and partner Susan Feniger are co-chefs/owners of the critically acclaimed Border Grill restaurants in Santa Monica, CA, downtown Los Angeles, and Las Vegas, where they serve gourmet Mexican fare.

RecipeOld-Fashioned Baked Beans With Smoked Bacon

SuperChef: Andrea Reusing collaborates with local farms and fisheries to source her North Carolina-based restaurant, Lantern, named one of America’s top 50 restaurants and best farm-to-table restaurant by Gourmet magazine.

Recipe: Pesto Bison Burger

SuperChef: Ype Von Hengst is co-founder, executive chef, and vice president of culinary operations at the Silver Diner, a restaurant chain with 17 locations in the mid-Atlantic region. He is dedicated to healthy living and serving fresh and sustainable fare from local farms whenever possible.

RecipeNostrana's Tagliata

SuperChef: Cathy Whims is executive chef of the popular Portland, OR, restaurant Nostrana and four-time James Beard Award nominee.

RecipeUygur Style Beef & Rice Gnocchi

Superchef: Chef Patricia Yeo is well-known for her culinary breadth and knowledge. The “Top Chef Masters” alum is creative director of Chicago restaurant Big Bowl, developing new dishes and restaurant concepts that focus on sustainable and locally sourced foods.

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