Voting Information Tools Used by Millions

When it comes to finding your polling place, more people are looking online than ever before. The Voting Information Project (VIP), developed by The Pew Charitable Trusts and Google in partnership with state and local election offices, provides voters with the information they need, when they need it, and in the place — online — they are most likely to look for it.

A recent infographic from Engage, an organization that works with VIP, shows the impact these tools had on Election Day 2012:

  • 25 million people used VIP tools to find their polling place and information about candidates and ballot measures.
  • More than 243,000 Hurricane Sandy victims in New York and New Jersey received text messages with their voting information through a partnership between VIP and Mobile Commons.
  • 600 websites, including major news outlets and many Democratic and Republican campaigns, embedded VIP tools.