Adding Precincts in Summit County, Ohio

In recent election cycles, many jurisdictions reduced their numbers of precincts and polling places in part to save money. Last year Summit County, Ohio was one of these, decreasing the number of precincts from 475 to 298, which county officials estimate saved between $100,000 and $120,000.

During last November’s election, however, voters in the jurisdiction faced a variety of problems, including confusion about where to vote, long lines, and overwhelmed poll workers. So the county has decided to restore some of the precincts. The number of precincts won’t go all the way back to 475, but officials estimate they will have between 368 and 400 for the 2014 election.

In addition to the Election Day problems, the change is intended to meet state requirements that no precinct have more than 1,400 registered voters.  In November, a few precincts near the University of Akron exceeded 1,700 registered voters.

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