National HIA Meeting 2012 Policy HIAs: Case Examples


HIAs are conducted on programs, projects and policies. Each type of HIA has its own unique set of opportunities and challenges. This session will give an overview of policy HIAs and present several case examples.

Moderator:Kara Vonasek, Health Impact Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Deborah Payne, Kentucky Environmental Foundation

Health Impact Assessment on Coal & Renewable Energy Options in Kentucky (PDF)

Tatiana Lin, Kansas Health Institute

HIA in Kansas: Evaluating State Gaming Legislation & Engaging Diverse Stakeholders (PDF)

Teresa Lovely, Kentucky Department for Public Health

HIA Findings Influence State Strategy to Address Childhood Obesity through a State Worksite Wellness Bill (PDF)

Megan Lott, The Pew Charitable Trusts

A Federal HIA: USDA Rulemaking Process on Snack Foods and Beverages (PDF)

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