A View from the Eagle's Eye

"According to the U.N., forests have disappeared in 25 countries, and another 29 nations have lost more than 90%."

- Tom Wathen, land conservation program director

Each year, millions of birds journey from Alaska and the Arctic into the Lower 48 states and back again. In the midst of these epic migrations, one bird soars above the rest: the golden eagle.

These majestic creatures travel from caves and cliffs near ancient rivers, across the seemingly endless Arctic tundra, and through the Canadian boreal forest on their path toward the Grand Tetons of Wyoming, the rest of the American West, and beyond.

Considered by many Native groups to be the link between humanity and nature, golden eagles soar over much of the land Pew works to protect. Following these birds on their journey gives us a glimpse of the beauty of our environment and reinforces why we must protect our wildlands.

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