Shark Alliance photo call with Fisheries Minister Maria Damanaki

Shark Alliance photo call with Fisheries Minister Maria Damanaki

Brussels—On Monday 21st November the European Commission will be releasing a long-awaited proposal for strengthening the European Union’s ban on shark finning, the wasteful practice of slicing off a shark’s fins and discarding the body at sea.

Representatives from the Shark Alliance will be holding a photo call with a giant button where we will be asking people to ‘make the push to protect Europe’s sharks’ outside the Commission’s HQ, the Berlaymont, and the Commissioner for DG Mare, Maria Damanaki will be meeting Shark Alliance representatives to respond to the proposal once released.

Last month, as part of the fifth annual “European Shark Week,” tens of thousands of concerned citizens across Europe called on EU Fisheries Ministers to fulfill the commitments of the EU Plan of Action for sharks and help close loopholes in the finning ban.

What: Photo call and interview opportunity with Commissioner for DG Mare Maria Damanaki and representatives from the Shark Alliance.
Date: November 21st 2011
Time: Shark Alliance and their ‘make the push to protect sharks’ props will be available from 11.30pm.

Maria Damanaki will be available from 12.45pm for interviews.

More information, media interviews, or B roll:

Sophie Hulme
Tel: +44 (0) 7973 712 869
email: [email protected].

Background information on the EU finning ban

The Shark Alliance will be issuing a press release when the proposal is released on Monday 21st November.

The Shark Alliance is a coalition of more than 100 conservation, scientific, and recreational organisations dedicated to restoring and conserving shark populations by improving shark conservation policies.

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