Pew Applauds Action to Boost Alpine Lakes Wilderness
The House Natural Resources Committee today approved the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Additions and Pratt and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers Protection Act (H.R. 176), sending it to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives for action. The measure, introduced by Representative David Reichert (R-WA), would expand the existing 394,000-acre Alpine Lakes Wilderness by more than 22,000 acres, and designate parts of the Middle Fork Snoqualmie and Pratt Rivers as wild and scenic. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) has introduced companion legislation, which is now before the full Senate.
“We applaud the House Committee members for moving this conservation legislation for consideration by the full House,” said Jon Owen, manager with the Campaign for America's Wilderness at the Pew Environment Group. “Just a short drive from Seattle, this spectacular place is beloved by hikers, campers, anglers, kayakers and others seeking a respite from city life.”
“We commend Congressman Reichert and Senator Murray for working across party lines to include significant and important additions to the existing wilderness, which will encompass some of the area's vital low-elevation forests, snow-capped peaks, old growth forests and strong native trout runs. We hope Congress will soon pass this legislation as a natural legacy for future generations.”