Charlotte Hudson
Charlotte Hudson directs the Lenfest Ocean Program, a grant-making program that identifies, supports, and communicates marine science concerning threats facing the world’s oceans. She is responsible for identifying thematic areas of research and overseeing the design and implementation of research projects that meet the program’s criteria. She also oversees the communication and dissemination of research results in ways that inform policy decisions and promote the sustainable management of the oceans.
Before joining Pew, Hudson was the senior marine scientist at Oceana, an international marine conservation organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the world’s oceans. She was responsible for coordinating protected-species policies, designing campaign strategies, and integrating scientific research and policy. Hudson also worked as a marine resources analyst for the Ocean Law Project. Hudson co-wrote peer-reviewed papers on the role of science in environmental law and the integration of science and policy in decision-making.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Davidson College and a master’s in environmental management from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment.