Budget Stress Tests Help State Leaders Identify and Assess Risk

Budget Stress Tests Help State Leaders Identify and Assess Risk

In a memo to Colorado’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting, experts from The Pew Charitable Trusts explain how budget stress tests—which examine the impact of various economic scenarios on revenues and expenditures—help states identify their risk from adverse events such as economic downturns. The memo, sent Aug. 20, 2021, outlines how states can design budget stress tests, how such tests can inform policy, and how other states have employed this fiscal tool.

Economic Downturns: Protecting State and Local Budgets

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In particularly challenging times, when revenue is volatile and priorities may need to be reassessed, it is important that lawmakers manage budgets effectively to mitigate fiscal stress.


State Strategies for Maintaining a Balanced Budget

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Many states ended 2017 flush with unexpected cash. Federal legislation that caps some tax deductions beginning in 2018 prompted many Americans to prepay their state and local taxes. While this surprise revenue was positive news for state budgets, several policymakers struck a cautious tone.

Street map art, three prints in blue, white and black
Street map art, three prints in blue, white and black

States Can Direct Economic Development to Places in Need

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Data from an array of sources has shown that Americans who grow up in economically distressed areas experience lower-performing schools, higher crime rates, a variety of health and environmental hazards, and less upward mobility.

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What Is Antibiotic Resistance—and How Can We Fight It?

Sign up for our four-week email series The Race Against Resistance.

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as “superbugs,” are a major threat to modern medicine. But how does resistance work, and what can we do to slow the spread? Read personal stories, expert accounts, and more for the answers to those questions in our four-week email series: Slowing Superbugs.