Trust Magazine

The Big Picture

In this Issue:

  • Spring 2023
  • The Pursuit of a Better Future
  • 75 Years of Solutions
  • A History of Service
  • The Big Picture
  • The Lessons of Optimism
  • Noteworthy
  • A Global Agreement for Conservation
  • Far More Americans See U.S. Influence Getting Weaker
  • Pew's CEO Reflects on the Values That Produce Results
  • With Partners, Creating Lasting Change
  • Return on Investment
  • Parenting in America Today
  • View All Other Issues
The Big Picture
Melissa Lyttle for The Pew Charitable Trusts

“Nonpartisanship has been part of Pew’s DNA from the very beginning,” said Pew’s president and CEO, Susan K. Urahn (right), in a conversation with Valerie Jarrett, CEO of the Obama Foundation and former senior adviser to President Barack Obama.

In February, Jarrett joined Urahn in Washington, D.C., as part of Pew’s 75th anniversary speaker series for staff, focusing on the organization’s core values, which include nonpartisanship. Jarrett emphasized the necessity of “learning to disagree without being disagreeable, … being secure enough in your own skin that you can sit down with somebody with whom you disagree” and find common ground. ”You have to be curious enough, humble enough,” she said, “to give people the grace that you can learn something from them.”

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Learn the Basics of Broadband from Our Limited Series

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How does broadband internet reach our homes, phones, and tablets? What kind of infrastructure connects us all together? What are the major barriers to broadband access for American communities?

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Pills illustration

What Is Antibiotic Resistance—and How Can We Fight It?

Sign up for our four-week email series The Race Against Resistance.

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as “superbugs,” are a major threat to modern medicine. But how does resistance work, and what can we do to slow the spread? Read personal stories, expert accounts, and more for the answers to those questions in our four-week email series: Slowing Superbugs.