How New Mexico is Using Data to Improve Early Childhood Education

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"In order to be successful in society, you need to be able to read."

Michelle Rosen-Hatcher, director of the Kids Campus Santa Fe Community College

Children in New Mexico—particularly those who experience poverty and other hardships—have long underperformed compared to many other states. To improve outcomes, The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Results First initiative worked with New Mexico’s Legislative Finance Committee, to leverage evidence-based policymaking, which can help ensure taxpayer dollars go to programs shown to work.

"We, more so than almost any other state, have an abundance of students who come to school facing circumstances of poverty," says Ryan Stewart, New Mexico's Secretary of Education. "So, we have to design policies to really serve those children well."

Learn more about how evidence-based policymaking works and how governments are using it.

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