Preview — Backyard Wilderness in Los Angeles

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Preview — Backyard Wilderness in Los Angeles

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The San Gabriel Mountains outside Los Angeles are one of the most urban-accessible wild lands in the country and could become a new national recreation area.

Just an hour's drive from the sprawl of Los Angeles, the San Gabriels are the centerpiece of a visionary plan to permanently protect 122,000 acres of wilderness and 62 miles of wild and scenic rivers.

The mountains traverse the popular Angeles and San Bernardino National Forests just north of the city. A diverse coalition of Angelenos is working to protect these lands so they remain wild and available for hiking, camping, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities.

A literal breath of fresh air, the San Gabriels can provide healthy recreation opportunities for generations to come. Get to know this special place, and the people working to protect it, in this 2 minute preview episode of "This American Land," produced in partnership with The Pew Charitable Trusts.

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