"I'm a Pew Marine Fellow"

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We live on a wet planet. Oceans cover more than 70 percent of it, but they are under threat. http://www.pewmarinefellows.org.

Climate change poses a major threat to the health of our oceans, as does acidification, pollution, and overfishing. In the face of these challenges, some of the world's leading experts in ocean conservation have made it their mission to turn the tide.

Each year, The Pew Charitable Trusts awards five fellowships to support cutting edge projects that address critical challenges for our oceans and marine life. Since 1990, Pew has awarded fellowships to 130 experts from 33 countries. They include ocean scientists, lawyers, economists, photographers, writers, and other trailblazers. From studying the effects of climate change on coral reef communities in Palau and Belize, to photographing Antarctica's last wild places, the Pew marine fellows represent a powerful international network of experts our oceans depend on.

Pew will name five new fellows on March 12, 2014. For more information, visit www.PewMarineFellows.org.

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