Mixed Reactions to Obama's Gun Control Proposals
With the public paying close attention to the national debate over gun control, Barack Obama's gun proposals receive a mixed rating from the public. A 39% plurality say Obama's proposals are about right while another 13% say they do not go far enough. About three-in-ten (31%) say the president's proposals go too far; 17% do not offer an opinion.
The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Jan. 17-20 among 1,006 adults, finds that the public is closely tracking the gun debate: 43% followed news about Obama's proposals very closely and an additional 29% followed the news fairly closely.
There are wide partisan divides in views of Obama's proposals. A 57% majority of Republicans say the proposals go too far, just 7% say not far enough and 25% say they are about right. By contrast, a majority of Democrats (55%) say the proposals on guns are about right, 21% say they do not go far enough and 10% say they go too far. Independents are divided: 36% say Obama's gun proposals are about right, while about as many (33%) say they go too far; few independents say the proposals do not go far enough (9%).
Read the full report, Mixed Reactions to Obama's Gun Control Proposals, on the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press website.