Public's Wish List for Congress - Jobs and Deficit Reduction

The public overwhelmingly views the job situation as a major priority for Congress during the coming months. Fully 80% say it is very important for Congress to pass legislation to address the job situation, which is virtually unchanged from May (81%).

Somewhat fewer (70%) say it is very important for Congress to reduce the federal budget deficit. Nearly as many (66%) see addressing the country's energy needs as very important, while 63% say the same about addressing immigration policy. About half (53%) say it is very important for Congress to pass legislation that would more strictly regulate financial institutions and markets.
As with opinions about the importance of dealing with the job situation, views about energy, financial regulation and immigration also have changed little since May. That survey did not ask about the importance of reducing the federal budget deficit.

Read the full report, Public's Wish List for Congress - Jobs and Deficit Reduction on the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press' Web site.

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