Millennials Will Make Online Sharing in Networks a Lifelong Habit

Millennials Will Make Online Sharing in Networks a Lifelong Habit

In a survey about the future impact of the internet, a solid majority of technology experts and stakeholders said the Millennial generation will lead society into a new world of personal disclosure and information-sharing using new media. These experts said the communications patterns “digital natives” have already embraced through their use of social networking technology and other social technology tools will carry forward even as Millennials age, form families, and move up the economic ladder.

The highly engaged, diverse set of respondents to an online, opt-in survey included 895 technology stakeholders and critics. The study was fielded by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project and Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center.

Read the full report, Millennials Will Make Online Sharing in Networks a Lifelong Habit on the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project Web site.

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