News Interest Index: Doubts About Obama's Economic Policies Rise Over Past Year

News Interest Index: Doubts About Obama's Economic Policies Rise Over Past Year

The public increasingly sees Barack Obama's policies as having an impact on economic conditions and, for the first time, slightly more say the impact has been negative rather than positive.

About three-in-ten (29%) say Obama's economic policies since taking office have made economic conditions worse; 23% say his policies have made conditions better. Nearly four-in-ten (38%) say they have had no effect so far or volunteer that it is too soon to tell, according to the latest Pew Research/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, sponsored by SHRM. The survey was conducted June 3-6 among 1,002 adults.

Opinions about the impact of Obama's economic policies have changed little since February. But the proportion saying that Obama's economic policies have made economic conditions worse has nearly doubled – from 16% to 29% – since June 2009. Over this period, the percentage saying his policies have improved conditions has changed little, while the number saying Obama's policies have had no effect or that it is too soon to tell has fallen from 53% to 38%.  

Read the full article, Doubts About Obama's Economic Policies Rise Over Past Year, on the pew Research Center for the People & the Press' Web site.